Sails aren't the only thing that will be going up and down during this campaign. Knowing sailing, I can bet that morale is destined to be similarly up and down.
Much of this campaign depends on gaining entry to as many races as possible to cram as many miles of racing under my belt as is possible. Entry to the races is hotly contested with all of the prominent races sgnificantly oversubscribed. So it was a great boost to find myself scraping on to entry list for the Mini Fastnet as 84th entrant out of a possible 84. Contrast that with my disappointment when I came back a week later to discover that the official list had been changed and I was now in 87th, 3rd place on the waiting list. Given that the race is now twice (167 entries) oversubscribed I should probably be grateful that I am 3rd rather that 20th or 30th on the waiting least. I can reasonably hope for a few dropouts and that I will again scrape back into the main entry list.
Updated March 21st: The Mini Fastnet list has now been expanded to 100. So, I'm in!